This is Caroline and Kat's Internet Diary of our travels around the globe. We'll keep it as up to date as possible.

What are we doing?

"Where are they going?" you may ask, or "what are they going to see?"
The first question is an easy one. We are going everywhere: the Bahamas, Big White, England and then off around Europe. And don't forget Thailand on the way home! But the next question is a tricky one. The simple answer being 'we don't know.' We can't even imagine the things we are going to experience on this adventure.... how could we? But the purpose of this Blog is to share with you what we see and what we experience. To let you have a little taste of where we are at and what we are doing.
I hope you enjoy it!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Our Last week in Paradise

Well...this time a month ago, I was only just 18 and had two exams to go. So much has happened since! We are 16,000km away on a yacht and you know, there isn't much stress.
The weather is starting to move into winter a bit so there hasn't been as much sunbathing but we are still in the mid twenties so it's pretty nice.

We had a beautiful sail down from Guana to Man'o'War, somewhere we haven't visited yet. An extremely religious island with a no-black policy outside business hours (bit harsh). The people weren't as friendly as some of the other islands but it's still an amazingly beautiful place. We explored the beach and went for a decent walk. And bought some jelly crystals.
We went to Lola's Bakery. A cottage behind a house that surved as a bakery, and devoured a cinnamon roll.
Back on the boat we decided to risk the sharks and dangle our feet over the back. In a stroke of ingeniousness we decided that the making of a hammock was in order. Lets just say......visualisation is one thing.....creation is another. It failed. Miserably.

Back to Hopetown
Another really pleasant sail to Hopetown. After our bit of fail at rope skills the day before we decided to try again. This time we tried to make a trapeze style swing off the back. It was quite successfull really. And very fun. The water was warmer than expected so we decided to give the bottom of the boat a bit of a scrub. Don't think we actually did much to be honest.
Looking out at the lighthouse that night we noticed that the locals had embraced the christmas spirit wholeheartedly and put lights on the lighthouse. It looked amazing.

Marsh Harbour and Snappas
We went into the laundry to find that the power had gone off. And wouldn't be coming back on for about an hour. So we settled down to a game of spit with an audience of two little girls there doing the weekly wash with their mum. Very attentive watchers I have to say. What is a trip into Marsh Harbour without encountering a drunk. A pleasant man named Carlos who's only purpose in the laundry was to pick up women and to entertain the children. Finally the power came back on and we could busy ourselves with our laundry.
We had pizza for dinner. It was pretty cool - they delivered to the dock so we could just hop over and pick it up.
Well.... being a Saturday night and the night before our results came out, we thought that it was an acceptable excuse to go and party. Once again rocking it up Bahamas style, we went ashore to a pub called Snappas. A really nice place with a very good band. Apart from the considerable age gap between ouselves and the others we had a very enjoyable evening. Once again being bought drinks and having people marvel over our accents.

Results Day
We sailed from Marsh Harbour back to Treasure Cay in the morning to avoid the oncoming storm. We were both quite anxious about being somewhere with internet so that come 3 o'clock we could check our results. I think that being woken up at 7 a.m. would have been much better than having to wait until 3:00 in the afternoon. The suspense was crazy! Luckily we were both extremely pleased with our results so it wasn't so bad. Now all we were waiting for was my visa.

Finally arrived!!! Flights were booked and e-mails sent and we are off to Canada tomorrow (15th of December). It has honestly been the best three weeks ever. The best Captain and brilliant company. Couldn't of asked for anything to be done differently!

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